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Children Reading the Holy Bible


Elias is the Mightiest the Activity Book

Children 3 to 7 years old will have hours of fun tracing their ABC's, numbers 0 to 20, matching pictures to their beginning sound, learning to fill in an ABC worm, and coloring the pages of "Elias is the Mightiest." 



Elias is the Mightiest

Introducing "Elias is the Mightiest," an enchanting children's book designed for 3 to 7-year-olds that embrace self-esteem, unleashes the magic of superhero fiction, and celebrates African American heritage. With heartfelt passion, this empowering tale takes young readers on a captivating journey alongside Elias, a remarkable young boy who discovers the extraordinary power of self-belief and self-affirmation.



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Elias is the Mightiest

Elias is the Mightiest
Early Childhood Bundle

Our book bundles include Elias is the Mightiest Book and the Activity Book.



Barriers Parents Face are Real: Strategies that bridge the gap between home and school.

Parents are a child’s first teacher, and as such, their involvement addresses an essential purpose in a child’s development and learning. The purpose of this handbook is to identify strategies, models, and programs that bridge the gap between home and school. Children who have rich experiences and positive interactions with parents do better in school than those who receive less parental support and attention. 



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My Animal Counting Book

Looking for a children's book about counting? This animal counting book for children will help count numerically and cardinally using animals for toddlers and children 3 to 7 years old. My Animal Counting Book 1-10, is for children learning their numbers from 1 to 10; from 1 butterfly in a hand and 2 monkeys in a band to 9 penguins waddling to and fro and 10 frogs saying, "Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello!" Children 3 to 7 years old will love counting in this delightfully rhythmic story.



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Book Bundle

Our book bundles include the book, My Animals Counting Book 1-10, a coloring and activity book, a free sticker, and crayons. Literature and literacy is key to academic success. 



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My Animal Counting Book 1-10 Coloring and Activity Book

My Animal Counting Book 1-10 Coloring and Activity Book for Kids, is the activity and coloring book supplement to My Animal Counting Book 1-10 children's book.
The coloring and activity book helps children practice tracing and forming letters and forming numbers, counting cardinally, and coloring animals found in the Zoo. Children will not only have fun but will also learn valuable skills that will help during school, during the summer months, and anytime.




It's Bedtime!

The award-winning book, It’s Bedtime, tells the excuses L.T. uses to get out of going to bed. Does this sound familiar, "I need to go to the bathroom." Even though we just went to the bathroom 15 minutes ago. Or, how about this one, "I’m thirsty." L.T. is a 5-year-old adventurous little boy who dreads going to bed. When he does go to bed his dreams are of his parents riding bicycles through the house, clowns playing tricks, and lots of balloons, "fun time." One night, L.T. decides to stay up to find out if his parents are really having "fun time." What do you think L.T. discovers?



It's Bedtime Activity and Coloring Book 

It’s Bedtime Activity and Coloring book, is the activity and coloring book supplement to It’s Bedtime. The coloring and activity book helps children practice tracing and forming letters, practice tracing and writing basic sight words that children read often when learning how to read fluently, forming numbers, and coloring the illustrations from the book. Children will not only have fun but will also learn valuable skills that will help during school, during the summer months, and anytime. 



Book Bundle

Our book bundles include the book, It's Bedtime Book and It's Bedtime Activity, and Color Book. 


All 6 Book Bundle

All 6-bundle would include:

My Animal Counting Book 1-10, My Animal Counting Book 1-10 Coloring and Activity Book, It's Bedtime, 

It's Bedtime Activity and Coloring Book,  Elias is the Mightiest, and  Elias is the Mightiest Activity Book.




Please email us for bulk orders of 25 or more. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your support.


Speaking Engagements

If you or your organization is interested in scheduling an author visit or book for speaking requests contact Dr. Danielle by clicking the button below.

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